FDRC 2018 Annual Report

Financial Dispute Resolution Centre 金融糾紛調解中心 26 Dispute Resolution Services 排解爭議服務 Nature of enquiries 查詢類別 Complaints about Financial Products and Services 金融產品及服務的投訴 The FDRC’s Administrative Issues 調解中心的行政事宜 The FDRC’s Services 調解中心的服務 Other Issues (1) 其他事宜 The FDRC’s Publicity Activities 調解中心的推廣活動 Mediator and Arbitrator Issues 調解員及仲裁員事宜 60% 14.6% 9.4% 13.8% 0.4% 1.8% Out of the 955 enquiries received, 573 were related to complaints about financial products and services, 90 were about the FDRC’s services, 139 were related to the FDRC’s administrative issues, 17 were related to mediator and arbitrator issues, 4 were related to the FDRC’s publicity activities and 132 were related to other issues (1) . 在接獲的 955 宗查詢中, 573 宗關於金融產品及服務的投訴, 90 宗關於調解中心的服務, 139 宗關於調解中心的行政事宜, 17 宗關於調解員及仲裁員事宜, 4 宗關於調解中心的推廣活動, 132 宗則關於其他事宜 (1) 。 (1) “Other issues” include regulatory issues not of monetary nature, building management disputes, family disputes, commercial disputes, debt collection, financial disputes between individuals, tenancy disputes and employment disputes, etc. 「 其他事宜 」包括非金錢性質的監管問題、大廈管理糾紛、家庭糾紛、商業糾紛、債務追討、個人之間的金融糾紛、租賃 糾紛及勞資糾紛等。 Channels of Knowing the FDRC 知悉調解中心的途徑 Advertising and Promotional Campaigns 廣告及宣傳活動 Banks and Securities Firms 銀行及證券公司 Regulators (HKMA & SFC) 監管機構 (金管局及證監會) Friends and Relatives 親友 Other Channels (2) 其他渠道 52.4% 22.2% 8.9% 8.5% 8.0% Out of the enquiries received, 460 enquirers disclosed the channels of knowing the FDRC. 241 enquirers were aware of the FDRC through its advertising and promotional campaigns, 102 were referred by banks and securities firms, 41 by regulators (HKMA and SFC), 39 by friends and relatives and 37 via other channels (2) . 在接獲的查詢當中,有 460 名查詢人士透露知悉調解中心的途徑。 241 名查詢者表示透過其廣告及宣傳活動認識調解中 心, 102 名經由銀行及證券公司轉介, 41 名則由監管機構( 金管局及證監會 )轉介, 39 名從親友中得知, 37 名則由其他 渠道 (2) 得知。 (2) “Other Channels” include the Joint Mediation Helpline Office, the Consumer Council and the District Council members, etc. 「 其他渠道 」包括聯合調解專線辦事處、消費者委員會及區議員等。