FDRC 2018 Annual Report

Financial Dispute Resolution Centre 金融糾紛調解中心 4 Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme 金融糾紛調解計劃 The FDRC administers the FDRS in an independent and impartial manner. By way of primarily “Mediation First, Arbitration Next”, the FDRS provides a one-stop service to assist financial institutions and their customers to resolve monetary disputes. All financial institutions authorised by the HKMA and/or licensed by the SFC, except those which provide credit rating services solely, are members of the FDRS. The operation of FDRS and the FDRS Guidelines on Intake Criteria of Cases (Intake Criteria) are governed by the Terms of Reference (ToR). In accordance with the Consultation Conclusions on “Proposals to Enhance the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme” (Consultation Conclusions), the implementation of the ToR (January 2018) was effective in phases from 1 January 2018 onwards. Those in relation to small enterprises took effect from 1 July 2018. Some key requirements of the Intake Criteria of the ToR (January 2018) include: 調解中心獨立持平地管理一套調解計劃。調解計 劃主要以「 先調解,後仲裁 」方式,提供一站式 服務,協助解決金融機構與其客戶之間的金錢爭 議。 所有受金管局認可及╱或證監會監管的金融機 構( 只從事提供信貸評級服務的機構除外 ),均 為調解計劃的成員。調解計劃的運作及其《 個案 受理準則指引 》(《 個案受理準則 》)受《 職權範 圍 》所規管。《 職權範圍 》已根據《 優化金融糾 紛調解計劃的建議 》諮詢總結(《 諮詢總結 》)作 出修訂,有關建議已於 2018 年 1 月 1 日起分階段實 施。當中關於小型企業的條款自 2018 年 7 月 1 日 起實施。 《 職權範圍 》( 2018 年 1 月 )內《 個案受理準則 》 的其中幾項重要條件包括: